Visitation Policy

Aloha CCOH Ohana:
We are pleased to announce starting 11/9/2020 we will now allow outdoor visitation at the Care Center of Honolulu, and the visitation program will adhere to reasonable clinical and safety restrictions based on the core principles of the COVID-19 pandemic health emergency (PHE) and the COVID-19 community activity and county positivity rating.
Outdoor Visits Only
We recognize that outdoor visitation poses a lower risk of transmission due to space and airflow, therefore all visits will be conducted outside. We have designated the left side of the main entrance area to facilitate visits.
A hospitality tent, equipped with hand sanitizer, tables, chairs, and a plexiglass divider has been set up near the main entrance of the building. The plexiglass divider will be stationed between family members and their loved ones.
Outdoor visits may be postponed or cancelled due to inclement weather.
Safety is our utmost concern. Our visitation program will require the following:
- Screening of all who enter the facility for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and denial of entry of those with signs and symptoms.
- This will include completion of a COVID-19 screening form, temperature and oxygen saturation readings.
- Persons not able to pass this screen will not be allowed visitation.
- Face covering or mask covering both the mouth and nose.
- Social distancing at least six (6) feet between persons.
- Required hand hygiene- use of alcohol-based hand-sanitizer.
Visitation protocols:
- Visitations will be scheduled on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
- Visitations will be limited to 1-2 guests per resident at one time.
- Visits are scheduled for a specified period of time in order to accommodate all residents/visitors.
- Each visit is limited to no more than 30 minutes.
- The frequency of visitors for each resident will be limited to 1 visit per week so as to give other resident family members opportunity to visit.
- CCOH will provide a schedule of planned visits.
Indoor visits are restricted to end of life situations and will be scheduled through the Activity Director Zeny Abalos.
Visitation guidelines:
- The state and/or county rules permit visitation based upon the CMS/CDC guidelines.
- There has been no new onset of COVID-19 cases in the last 14 days and the community is not conducting outbreak testing.
- The community is using the COVID-19 county positivity rate to determine outdoor visitation:
- Low (<5%) visitation may occur
- Medium (5%-10%) visitation may occur
- High (>10%) visitation may only occur for compassionate care situations
- Visitors must be able to adhere to the core principles and staff will monitor to assure adherence.
- Visits are conducted in a designated visitor section and visitors are not permitted beyond that designated area.
- Residents whose health status prevents visitation outside of the room may receive the visit via video conferencing.
- Visits for residents who were recently admitted from the hospital and are in 14-day quarantine may not have visitors until completion of quarantine. These visits may be done through video conferencing.
Scheduling your visit:
Please contact Zeny Abalos, Activity Director at 808-531-5302 x102 on or after 11/2/20 to schedule your visit or if you have any questions about the visitation policy.
Thank you,
David Holt,
The Care Center
of Honolulu
1900 Bachelot St
Honolulu, HI 96817
Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed
Tel. (808) 531-5302